Finally time has come for Mr. Musharaf, the Pakistani president to leave the presidents palace for ever after a decade long protest all over Pakistan demanding for the restoration of democracy to the concerned people’s representative. It is to be noted that his resignation comes as the status of this terrorist feeding nations reaching the bottom level. But what he gives to the well wishers of Pakistan is a Pakistan minus Ms. Benazir Bhutto .For slaughtering democracy all dictators find best solution to send democratic leaders in exile or take their lives either providing background support to eliminate them based on situations. Nobody can neglect such a hand from Mr. Musharaf.
As he thrown out the elected government in 1999 in the name of an assassination attempt, he has proved that history will repeat in Pakistan as long as 3 A’s namely Allah, Army and America take pivotal decisions in Pakistan. As pressure poured in on him from different corners of the world Musharaf bent his head taking strong actions against the different terrorist groups soliciting their anger which has culminated in many attempt on his life .To stand and prove that he is the unchallenged leader he firstly knifed democratic leaders sending them out of his vicinity and ceasing properties .He was targeting two top brass leaders, Nawas Shareef and Mrs. Bhutto.
From a Military Ruler to the made up elected president, his path was different. As he assume the power ,handing over the military leadership to his best and trustable commander it was proven fact that every thing will be worked out with his hand as the new comer is only for the name sake. As expected violence ravaged allover Pakistan and lawyers protest went on months .Some lawyers challenged the constitutionality of president ship in the Supreme Court. The court has taken this matter in prima face giving utmost importance, giving hopes to the well wishers of democracy.
Mr Mushraf considered the lawyers as the national enemy and he was sure that once the case comes to the court the supreme court lead by chief justice Iftihar Choudari will award the verdict against him. So he has suspended chief justice and other judges with immediate effect. This decision has pricked the situation in Pakistan and invited international pressure on the president. Any how it has given a chance to a Hindu justice ,Mr Rana ,well versed in Shariat law, to occupy the first ever post showered on him, as the chief justice of Pakistan. As expected the court ruled to the restoration of the suspended judges.
Once the judges issues were sorted out, election process began giving dew drop hope to the devotes of democracy. The power clash between the former Premier Nawas shareef and Mr Bhutto was an impediment for the democratic set up which lastly culminated for the compromise and opened the presidential palace to Mr. Bhutto. International communities were watching the developments in Pakistan in birds eye view .Mr. Bhutto, in his first address to the nation has emphasized and reiterated his commitment to root out terrorism from Pakistan and maintain peace and tranquility all over the country.
It was the said fact and truth that as long as the Pakistani military has secret honey moon with the Taliban and other notorious militia groups, peace would be a dream and nightmare for the Pakistanis. Where army and forces failed to protest people, militant took control and there were wide spread terrorist attack all over Pakistan. As the attack were unprecedented, as the world nation’s stand as the onlookers, Pakistan made agreements with the militia groups in western Pakistan. A nation’s plight or what else?
As the Indo –Pak talks were going on to sort out some bilateral unending issues under the secretary level ,26/11 was mourning day and week or the entire India as our Financial capital undergone for a two days carnage by the Pakistani trained terrorists killing more than hundred and fifty innocent citizens. With will power and strong military back up brave warriors of India rooted out the terrorist and the assassins of peace and tranquility.
Our fight will go on-
But when peace comes –
Feeders of terrorism will be in the Stone Age.
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